Saving and Opening Recovery Files
The COMSOL Multiphysics software can store recovery files each time you start a solver. This setting is initially active by default. If the server has lost contact with the client, a recovery file is also saved or kept.
To open a recovery file, select File>Open Recovery File. For Windows users, you can also customize the Quick Access Toolbar and then click the Open Recovery File () button. See Windows Toolbars and Menus.
The update of the recovery file occurs at the following events:
The recovery files are COMSOL MPH-files that represent the state at the time that they were saved. They make it possible to recover from a solver error, which can be especially useful for long time-dependent or parametric runs.
The Open Recovery File dialog box lists all recovery files found in chronological order. The files are listed with the date and time when they were saved. When a recovery file is selected, click OK to open it in the COMSOL Desktop. Click the Show/Hide Details button to display or hide more details about the recovery files. The detailed view includes the full file path and the file size for the recovery files. Click Delete to remove the selected recovery files. Click the Delete All button to delete all recovery files.
The COMSOL Multiphysics software keeps track of the computed time steps or parameter steps in the recovery file, so right-click the Study node and select Continue () to continue the computation from the point where it was stored in the recovery file. If you are solving a stationary nonparametric problem, the last converged Newton iteration is stored in the recovery file; selecting Continue causes the software to resume solving from this stored state.
You can make changes to these default settings in The Preferences Dialog Box in the Files section.
The Save recovery file check box is selected by default to save recovery files to disk during the solution process for time-dependent, parametric, and nonlinear solvers.
In the Folder for recovery files field, you can specify a different folder from the default to, for example, use a folder on the server where there is more disk space for storing large recovery files. Click Browse to browse to a recovery file folder.
In the Folder for temporary files field you can specify a different folder than the default to, for example, use a folder where there is more disk space for storing large temporary files. Click Browse to browse to a folder for temporary files.
If you run the COMSOL software in a client-server configuration, you can specify a Folder for temporary files on client, and Folder for temporary files on server.