The COMSOL Desktop Menus and Toolbars
The menus and toolbars available from the COMSOL Desktop vary slightly between operating systems. However, the variations are subtle and the overall functionality remains the same.
The sections Windows Toolbars and Menus and Cross Platform (Mac and Linux) Toolbars and Menus show examples of the main terms and locations of the toolbars and menus.
The Model Builder toolbar is the same for all platforms and is described in this section.
The Features Available on Toolbars and From Menus section details the available features and functions.
The Model Builder Toolbar
The Model Builder toolbar is the same for all operating systems. It is located at the top of the window as shown in Figure 2-8. The actions listed in Table 2-2 are used to navigate the Model Builder tree.
Figure 2-8: The Model Builder toolbar for Windows (left) and Mac and Linux (right).
The Toolbars and Keyboard Shortcuts section has detailed information about the contextual toolbars available on the COMSOL Desktop.