Common Settings for Probes
Variable Name
For all Probes you must specify a Variable name that is unique within the model component where the feature is added. You can use this Variable name in expressions, and it is also the node’s Tag. A unique default Variable name is always generated when the node is created.
Source Selection
The source selection defines the source for the probes — the part of the geometry over which the program computes the probes.
From the Geometric entity level list, select Manual or based on the probe type, All domains, All boundaries, All edges, or All points from the Selection list. If Manual is selected, select geometric entities in the Graphics window.
In the Expression section you can:
Click the Replace Expression button to select a predefined quantity and replace the contents of the Expression field with the corresponding variable.
Click the Insert Expression button to insert the corresponding variable at the current position in the Expression field.
Select a Table and plot unit from the list. You can select from a predefined number of applicable units for the quantity that the variable represents, but you can also click in the unit’s text field and type any compatible unit for that quantity to use a unit that is not in the list (for example, mi/h for miles per hour as a unit for a velocity quantity).
Select the Description check box to enter a description (or edit the default).
Table and Window Settings
By default, COMSOL Multiphysics uses a probe table (typically Probe Table 1) under Tables and a probe table plot (typically Probe Table Plot 1) in a Probe 1D Plot Group node, which appears in a separate plot window for probe plots (typically Probe Plot 1). To organize and group multiple probes, control the table and plot window to use for the probe results:
From the Output table list, select Default, New table, or any existing probe table. If an existing probe table is selected, click the Go to Source button () to move to the selected Probe Table node under Tables.
From the Plot window list, select Default, New window, or any existing plot window. Click the Add Plot Window button() to create a new plot window and make it the default for this list.
By default, for both the Output table and Plot window, COMSOL Multiphysics uses a probe table or probe table plot that is created automatically. If Default is selected, COMSOL Multiphysics updates the list to show the name of the default probe table or probe plot window after the solution process.