A LiveLink™ for MATLAB® license is required. Also confirm that MATLAB® is installed on the same computer as COMSOL Multiphysics.
Use a MATLAB functions node () from COMSOL Multiphysics to interface to functions written in MATLAB. These functions can be used as any other function defined in COMSOL Multiphysics. MATLAB functions are evaluated in MATLAB.
Under Functions, add the names of the MATLAB functions in the Function name column, and for each function in the table, enter a space-separated or comma-separated list of the names of its input Arguments (x y, for example).
For example, functions such as + and - (plus and minus) work well on vector inputs, but matrix multiplication (*, mtimes) and matrix power (^, mpower) do not. Instead, use the elementwise array operators .* and .^.
Click the Clear Functions button to force a reload of the functions if they have been edited. Alternatively, you can select the Clear functions automatically before solving check box.
Go to Common Settings for the Function Nodes for information about the Derivatives and Plot Parameters sections.
The LiveLink™ for MATLAB® User’s Guide