Global Geometry Parts
The Geometry Parts () branch under Global Definitions has features to create a Part in 3D (), 2D (), and 1D (). You can add these parts as part instances in a geometry sequences in a Component. If the Geometry Parts node does not appear, right-click the Global Definitions node and choose Geometry Parts.
A geometry part can be called (several times) from geometry sequences. You can use geometry parts to make custom parameterized geometric primitives. When calling a part, the input to the part is numerical values of its arguments. The output from the part is a number of geometry objects and a number of selections on these objects. The part node behaves like a geometry sequence with a few minor differences as described in the Using Geometry Parts section. You can also link a part from a Model MPH-file.
See also Creating a Geometry Sequence in the Geometry Modeling and CAD Tools chapter, which also explains The Geometry Node and the geometry features.