Grouping Nodes by Space Dimension and Type
The default setting, found under Model Builder in The Preferences Dialog Box section, disables grouping in new models.
The Group by Space Dimension (for physics interface nodes), Group by Type (for Definitions nodes), or Ungroup options are available from the context menu for these features:
The Global Definitions node —nodes can be grouped by type: Variables, Functions, or Groups.
The Definitions node under a Component — nodes can be grouped by type: Functions, Variables, Selections, Probes, Component Couplings, Coordinate Systems, Pairs, and Domain Properties (this includes Perfectly Matched Layers and Infinite Elements).
Grouping Nodes by Space Dimension
The default is Ungroup in the Model Builder for all new models. Right-click and select Group by Space Dimension () from the context menu to group the nodes in both the Model Builder and the context menu (see Figure 4-1).
In Figure 4-1 for the Electric Currents interface and when Group by Space Dimension is selected, the default Current Conservation and Initial Values subnodes are included under the Domains node, and two boundary level nodes are included under Boundaries. However, there are no nodes under Edges or Points even though these nodes display in the Model Builder.
When Ungroup () is selected from the context menu (or the default is kept), the tree is flattened and all nodes are ungrouped. Only default physics interface nodes and user-added nodes are included in the Model Builder sequence.
Figure 4-1: The context menu and Model Builder sequence for physics nodes when Group by Space Dimension or Ungroup is selected. For the Global Definitions and Definitions nodes, the same principles apply but the nodes are grouped by type instead.
Grouping Nodes by Type
The same principles apply for the two kinds of Definitions nodes as for the physics nodes, except the nodes are grouped by type, that is:
For the Global Definitions node, the types are Variables, Functions, or Groups.
For Definitions under a Component node, the types are Functions, Variables, Selections, Probes, Component Couplings, Coordinate Systems, Pairs, and Domain Properties.
The default is Ungroup in the Model Builder for all new models. Right-click and select Group by Type () from the context menu to both group the nodes in the Model Builder and in the context menu.
When Ungroup () is selected from the context menu (or the default is kept), the tree is flattened and all nodes are ungrouped. Only default Definitions or Global Definitions nodes and user-added nodes are included in the Model Builder sequence as in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2: When Ungroup (left) or Group by Type (right) is selected from the context menu for the Definitions node. When grouped by type, all categories display underneath the node even if it does not contain a feature node.