Editing Node Properties, Names, and Labels
All nodes, except container nodes, have a common set of node properties, some of which can be changed and some system generated properties that cannot be edited. The Root node has additional information that provides an overview of the complete model file. The Properties window for the Root node also includes a Node Properties section with additional information about the model file. The Thumbnail is set from the Settings window for Root. See The Root Settings and Properties Windows for details about the Root node.
Editing a Component Name for Use with Variables
Use a component Name to access variables throughout the model. The name is part of the full reference to variables (for example, when referring to variables in another model). To edit a component name, in the Model Builder, click a Component node. The Settings window for a Component node opens. Edit the default Name (comp1, comp2, and so on) as required in the Name field.
Renaming a Node Label
To rename a node in the Model Builder (except container nodes with fixed names such as under Global Definitions), right-click a node and select Rename () or press F2. Enter a New label and click OK. The Label is both updated in the Model Builder and in the Properties window.
The Node Properties Window
In the Model Builder, right-click a node (except “container nodes” such as Materials) and select Properties from the context menu. The Properties window for that specific node replaces the Settings window. The node properties vary by node type.
Node Properties
This section contains these fields:
The Label field defaults to a system label for the node.
The Name field defaults to a system name for the node.
The Tag is a unique system-defined tag for the node, which cannot be changed and is mainly used when using the COMSOL API and the optional LiveLink™ for MATLAB®.
The Created field is system generated and shows the node creation date and time.
The Author field contains the name of the author (creator) of the node. In addition to editing the author name manually, you can make a change for all nodes that you add later on from The Preferences Dialog Box.
The Version and Comments fields are empty by default. Enter version numbers or comments to track model changes or changes to specific node contents.
Returning to the Settings Window
When you are finished editing the properties, right-click the node again and select Settings to return to the Settings window (or click another node and then click the node again).