Relative permittivity (the default) to use the constitutive relation D = ε0εrE. Then the default is to take the Relative permittivity εr (dimensionless) values From material. For User defined, select Isotropic, Diagonal, Symmetric, or Anisotropic and enter values or expressions in the field or matrix. The default is 1.
Polarization to use the constitutive relation D = ε0E + P. Then enter the components based on space dimension for the Polarization vector P (SI unit: C/m2). The defaults are 0 C/m2.
Remanent electric displacement to use constitutive relation D = ε0εrE + Dr, where Dr is the remanent displacement (the displacement when no electric field is present). Then the default is to take the Relative permittivity εr (dimensionless) values From material. For User defined, select Isotropic, Diagonal, Symmetric, or Anisotropic and enter values or expressions in the field or matrix. Then enter the components based on space dimension for the Remanent electric displacement Dr (SI unit: C/m2). The defaults are 0 C/m2.