Solution Creation
model.sol(<tag>).setU(<vals>) sets the real part of the solution vector to <vals>
model.sol(<tag>).setU(<solnum>,<vals>) sets the real part of solution vector <solnum>, to <vals>.
model.sol(<tag>).setPNames(<pnames>) sets parameter names of the solution vectors to <pnames>.
model.sol(<tag>).setPVals(<vals>) sets the parameter values to <vals>.
model.sol(<tag>).setPVals(<solnum>,<vals>) sets the parameter values <solnum> to <vals>.
model.sol(<tag>).createSolution() creates solutions based on the input from the vectors previously set. The solution is created at this stage. Afterward the user input is cleared. If a created solution is used before this function is run the result is unpredictable.
model.sol(<tag>).setUImag(<solnum>,<vals>) sets the imaginary part of solution vector <solnum> to <vals> (and similarly for the other Imag methods).
model.sol(<tag>).setUBlock(<solnum>,<vals>,<start>) sets the real part of solution vector <solnum>, the subarray from position <start> to position <start>+<vals>.length-1 to <vals> (and similarly for the other Imag methods).