IntersectionPoint2D, IntersectionPoint3D
Create a data set that enables the evaluation of expressions at the intersection points of particle or ray trajectories and a curve or surface. These data sets can use a Ray or Particle data set as their input.
model.result().dataset(<dtag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result().dataset().create(<dtag>,"IntersectionPoint2D") creates an intersection point 2D data set with the name <dtag>.
The following properties are available:
on | off
none | data set name
on | off
Active when genparaactive is on, this property contains the distances from the extra parallel lines or planes to the base plane.
threepoint | pointnormal
Active when planetype equals general, this property indicates whether the plane should be specified by three points or through one point and a normal.
Active when method equals threepoint, this property contains the coordinates of the three points in the rows of the matrix. See below for the use of this property and the setIndex method.
Active when genmethod equals pointnormal, this property contains the coordinates of the point.
Active when genmethod equals pointnormal, this property contains the normal vector.
quick | general
xy | yz | zx | yx | zy | xz
line | circle | semicircle | general (2D); plane | sphere | hemisphere | general (3D)
line (2D); plane (3D)
For specifying the coordinates for a line curve type, for example, use the setIndex method:
model.result().dataset("ip2").setIndex("genpoints", "1.3", 0, 1);
That line sets the y coordinate of point one to the value 1.3.