Export data to a file.
model.result().export(<ftag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result().export().create(<ftag>,"Data") creates a data export feature with the name <ftag>.
model.result().export().create(<ftag>,<dtag>,"Data") creates a data export feature with the name <ftag> for the data set <dtag>.
The following properties are available:
on | off
none | data set name
on | off
linpoint | harmonic | lintotal | lintotalavg | lintotalrms | lintotalpeak
text | vtu
on | off
grid | spreadsheet
on | off
append | overwrite
all | first | last | manual | manualindices | interp
How to input the solution to use. manual indicates that solnum is used. manualindices indicates that solnumindices is used. interp indicates that t is used.
fromdataset | volume | surface | line | point
fromdataset | file | grid | regulargrid
An alternate way to specify the solutions to use, allowing you to enter, for example, range(1,1,20). Applicable when looplevelinput is manualindices on a level.
String array with all | first | last | manual | manualindices | interp on each level
all on all levels
How to input the solution to use, per level. manual on a level indicates that looplevel is used on that level. manualindices on a level indicates that looplevelindices is used on that level. interp on a level indicates that interp is used on that level.
all | first | last | manual | manualindices
How to input the outer solutions to use. Applicable only for parametric sweep models. manual indicates that outersolnum is used. manualindices indicates that outersolnumindices is used.
gauss | lagrange
off | pprint | ppr
If location is regulargrid and the data set is 1D: The number of grid points along the x-axis.
If location is regulargrid and the data set is 2D: The number of grid points along the x-axis.
If location is regulargrid and the data set is 2D:The number of grid points along the y-axis.
If location is regulargrid and the data set is 3D: The number of grid points along the x-axis.
If location is regulargrid and the data set is 3D: The number of grid points along the y-axis.
If location is regulargrid and the data set is 3D: The number of grid points along the z-axis.
normal | fine | finer | custom
fromdataset | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
An alternate way to specify the solutions to use, allowing you to enter, for example, range(1,1,20). Applicable when innerinput is manualindices.
on | off
sectionwise | spreadsheet
See Also
Height, AberrationHeight, HistogramHeight, TableHeight