CutLine2D, CutLine3D
Create a 2D or 3D cut line data set.
model.result().dataset(<dtag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result().dataset().create(<dtag>,"CutLine2D") creates a 2D cut line data set feature named <dtag>.
model.result().dataset().create(<dtag>,"CutLine3D") creates a 3D cut line data set feature named <dtag>.
The following properties are available:
on | off
Active when method equals twopoint, this property specifies if the line should be bounded by the two points or extend infinitely.
none | data set name
on | off
Active when genparaactive is on, this property contains the distances from the extra parallel lines to the base line.
Active when method equals twopoint, this property contains the coordinates of the two points in the two rows of the matrix.
twopoint | pointdir
{"cln1nx", "cln1ny"} for the first Cut Line 2D data set.
Used in 3D when genparaactive is true: The direction that together with the cut line’s direction spans the plane that contains the parallel lines.
Active when method equals pointdir, this property contains the direction.
Active when method equals pointdir, this property contains the coordinates of the point.
See Also