Default Repair Tolerances
The repair tolerance for the applicable geometry operations can be of three types: automatic (the default), relative, or absolute. The automatic repair tolerance provides suitable settings when using the CAD kernel; when using the COMSOL kernel, it sets a relative repair tolerance of 1e-6. You specify the default repair tolerance type by entering:
where <newRepairTolType> is any of auto, relative, or absolute.
The default relative repair tolerance is 1e-6 (it can be any positive scalar value smaller than 0.1). You can change it by entering
When doing so, the software also sets the repairTolType to relative. To get the current default relative repair tolerance, enter
double reptol = model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).repairTol();
The default absolute repair tolerance is 1e-6 (it can be any positive scalar value). You can change it by entering
When doing so, the software also sets the repairTolType to absolute. To get the current default absolute repair tolerance, enter
double reptol = model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).absRepairTol();
The default repair tolerance is the default value that is used when you add a new feature that has the repair tolerance properties — for example, Boolean operations and conversions. Changing the default repair tolerance does not affect the tolerances in existing features. Adjust the repair tolerance if you experience problems with a Boolean operation.