The Inflow node adds a boundary condition for an inflow boundary where one condition for each species is specified. It is available for exterior boundaries. The condition can be specified using the following quantities:
The density: ρ = ρ0
A concentration quantity other than the mass fractions can only be used when all species are defined, as in this boundary condition. The other quantities are composition dependent and therefore unambiguous only when all species are defined. For this reason the Mass Fraction node, which allows some species to use a different boundary condition, only includes inputs for the mass fractions.
Select a Mixture specification:
Mass fractions (the default) to enter mass fractions ( for example)
Mole fractions to enter mole fractions ( for example)
Molar concentrations (SI unit: mol/m3) to enter molar concentrations ( for example)
Number densities (SI unit: 1/m3) to enter number densities ( for example)
Densities (SI unit: kg/m3) to enter densities ( for example)
Enter a value or expression in the field for each species except for the one computed from the mass constraint.
Constraint Settings
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