Discontinuous Galerkin Formulation
Some boundary conditions are implemented using a discontinuous Galerkin formulation. These boundary conditions include
Wall – Slip, Sliding walls and moving walls (that is, walls with non-zero translational velocity).
The formulation used in the Fluid Flow interfaces in COMSOL Multiphysics is the Symmetric Interior Penalty Galerkin method (SIPG). The SIPG method can be regarded to satisfy the boundary conditions in an integral sense rather than pointwise. More information on SIPG can be found in Ref. 13.
In particular, the SIPG formulation includes a penalty parameter that must be large enough for the formulation to be coercive. The higher the value, the better the boundary condition is fulfilled, but a too high value results in an ill-conditioned equation system. The penalty parameter in COMSOL Multiphysics is implemented according to Ref. 14.