Rotating Domain
This node defines a domain as rotating with respect to a stationary coordinate system. The mesh inside the domain, including external or internal boundaries, is defined to rotate as a solid body. The node prescribed the rotation rotational frequency and direction as well as the axis of rotation. If there is more than one rotating domain, these must not intersect.
The angular displacement, ω (SI unit: rad), of the rotating domain is computed from a specified angular velocity w (SI unit: rad/s) by solving the ODE
Since the angular displacement is solved for, the domain rotation can be specified using any type of angular velocity (constant, analytic, interpolation function, and so forth).
Rotating Domain
3D Components
For 3D components, select the Axis of rotation, the z-axis is the default. If the x-axis is selected, it corresponds to a rotational axis (1, 0, 0) with the origin as the base point. This is the same for the y-axis and z-axis. For User defined enter values for the Rotation axis base point rbp and Rotation axis direction rax.
Select a Rotational frequencyRevolutions per time (the default) or Angular velocity.
For Revolutions per time enter a value or expression in the field and select a Rotational directionPositive angular velocity or Negative angular velocity. The angular velocity in this case is defined as the input multiplied by 2·π.
For Angular velocity enter an Angular velocity w.
2D Components
For 2D components, enter coordinates for the Rotation axis base point rbp. The default is the origin (0, 0).
Select a Rotational frequencyRevolutions per time or Angular velocity.
For Revolutions per time enter a value or expression in the field and select a Rotational directionClockwise or Counterclockwise. The angular velocity in this case is defined as the input multiplied by 2·π.
For Angular velocity enter an Angular velocity w.