Initial Values
The Initial Values node adds initial values for the velocity field, the pressure and the temperature that can serve as initial conditions for a transient simulation or as an initial guess for a nonlinear solver. For turbulent flow there are also initial values for the turbulence model variables. The surface radiosity is only applicable for surface-to-surface radiation.
Initial Values
Enter values or expressions for the initial value of the Velocity field u (SI unit: m/s), the Pressure p (SI unit: Pa), and the Temperature T (SI unit: K). The default values are 0 m/s for the velocity, 1 atm for the pressure, and 293.15 K for the temperature.
In a turbulent flow interface, initial values for the turbulence variables are also specified. By default these are specified using the predefined variables defined by the expressions described in Theory for the High Mach Number Flow Interfaces under Initial Values.