Turbulent Mixing
Use this node to account for the turbulent mixing caused by the eddy diffusivity. An example is when the specified velocity field corresponds to a RANS solution.
The Turbulent Mixing subnode is available from the context menu (right-click the Transport Properties parent node) or from the Physics toolbar, Attributes menu. The node defines the turbulent kinematic viscosity using a turbulent Schmidt number.
This feature is available if Convection is selected as a transport mechanism and if the Diffusion model is Mixture-averaged or Fick’s law.
Turbulent Mixing
Some physics interfaces provide the turbulent kinematic viscosity, and these appear as options in the Turbulent kinematic viscosity νT (SI unit: m2/s) list. The list always contains the User defined option that makes it possible to enter any value or expression.
The default Turbulent Schmidt number ScT is 0.71 (dimensionless).