This feature is only available in a limited set of add-on products. See for more details on availability.
Use this node to model adsorption of the fluid phase species onto the porous media surface. It is available as a subnode to the Porous Media Transport Properties and the Partially Saturated Porous Media nodes.
Select a Sorption typeLangmuir (the default), Freundlich, or User defined to specify how to compute cP, the amount of species sorbed to the solid phase (moles per unit dry weight of the solid):
For Langmuir:
Enter a Langmuir constant kL,c (SI unit: m3/mol) and an Adsorption maximum cp,max,c (SI unit: mol/kg):
For Freundlich:
Enter a Freundlich constant kF,c (SI unit: mol/kg), a Freundlich exponent NF,c (dimensionless), and a Reference concentration cref,c (SI unit: mol/m3).
For User defined:
Enter an Adsorption isotherm kP,c (SI unit: m3/kg).
For more information, see Adsorption in the theory section.
Further Reading
See the theory chapter in the section .