If From material is selected (the default) the equilibrium density, and its dependence on the equilibrium pressure p0 and temperature T0, is taken from the defined material. Make sure that the Thermal Expansion and Compressibility settings are correct.
For Ideal gas also select the Gas constant type — select Specific gas constant Rs (SI unit: J/(kg·K) or Mean molar mass Mn (SI unit: kg/mol)
For User defined enter a value or expression for the Equilibrium density ρ0(p0, T0) (SI unit: kg/m3). The default is ta.p0/(287[J/kg/K]*ta.T0), which is the ideal gas law.
Dynamic viscosity μ (SI unit: Pa·s).
Bulk viscosity μB (SI unit: Pa·s). The bulk viscosity parameter describes the difference between the mechanical and thermodynamic pressures. It is associated with losses doe to expansion and compression. Its value is difficult to measure and typically require absorption experiments to be determined. Its numerical value is of the same order as the dynamic viscosity. See, for example, Ref. 8 for fluids and Ref. 9 for gases.
Thermal conductivity k (SI unit: W/(m·K)).
Heat capacity at constant pressure Cp (SI unit: J/(kg·K)). This is the specific heat capacity or heat capacity per unit mass.
If the material is air, the From equilibrium density option works well as the equilibrium density ρ0 = ρ0(p0,T0) is a function of both pressure and temperature.
For water the coefficient of thermal expansion is well defined as ρ0 = ρ0(T0), while the compressibility can easily be defined using the From speed of sound option.
Speed of sound c (SI unit: m/s).
Ratio of specific heats γ (dimensionless). The default is 1.
See the Theory Background for the Thermoviscous Acoustics Branch section for a detailed description of the governing equations and the constitutive relations.
In certain cases it can be interesting not to include thermal conduction in the model and treat all processes as adiabatic (isentropic). This is, for example, relevant for fluids where the thermal boundary layer is much thinner than the viscous. Not solving for the temperature field T also saves some degrees of freedom (DOFs).
This is achieved by setting the Isothermal compressibility to User defined and here enter the adiabatic (isotropic) value βs (remember that for fluids βs = γ·βT). Then, in the solver sequence under Solver Configuration>Solver 1> Dependent Variables select Define by study step to User defined and under >Temperature variation (mod1.T) click to clear the Solver for this field box.
See also Solver Suggestions for Large Thermoviscous Acoustics Models for suggestions on how to set up the solver for large problems.