Acoustics Module Study Types
The Acoustics Module is primarily designed for frequency-domain simulations, including related eigenvalue and mode analysis problems. Transient analysis is possible but less efficient from the computational point of view. The Thermoviscous Acoustics interfaces only support the frequency-domain analysis type. The Compressible Potential Flow interface is tailored to model a stationary background flow to be used in a subsequent time-harmonic aeroacoustics simulation. The linearized aeroacoustic interfaces support both transient and frequency-domain analysis. In the Solid Mechanics interface, the static analysis type is also included and can be used to model the stationary state of prestressed systems subject to time-harmonic vibrations.
The analysis types require different solvers and equations. The following study types, briefly discussed in this section, can help you find good candidates for the application:
Prestressed Acoustic-Structure Interaction type of problems are also sported using a combination of a stationary solver and a frequency domain perturbation solver.