Domain Sources
Add a Domain Sources node to define the mass source, and momentum and energy source types. This domain feature adds the right-hand side to the governing Equation 4-1. This condition can be used to create any user defined source by entering expressions into the field. The sources can for example be point-like Gaussian sources to model a single vortex or two interacting vortices. Note that specifying the source term to the continuity equation often also requires specifying the source term to the energy equation. For example, for an isotropic pressure and density are related by , where c0 is the local speed of sound.
Domain Sources
Enter a Mass source Sc (SI unit: kg/(m3s)).
Select a Momentum source type: Acceleration (the default) or Volume force. For Acceleration enter vector expressions or values for the Acceleration source Sm (SI unit: m/s2). For Volume force enter vector expressions or values for the Volume force source Fm (SI unit: N/m3).
Select an Energy source type: Pressure rate of change (the default) or Heat source. For Pressure rate of change enter an expression or value for the Pressure rate of change source Se (SI unit: Pa/s). For Heat source enter vector expressions or values for the Heat source Qe (SI unit: W/m3).