Solving Transient Problems
When solving transient acoustic problems where the wave shape is not necessarily harmonic it might be necessary to resolve its spatial variations with a fine mesh, say with a minimal scale dx. Now, in order for the numerical solution of the temporal development of the acoustic field to be good it is necessary to restrict the maximal time steps dt taken by the solver. The condition is known as the CFL condition (Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition). For transient acoustic problems it is defined as
where C is the Courant number, and c is the velocity.
For applications where all the shape functions are quadratic the Courant number should be around 0.2. This condition restricts any acoustic disturbances to propagate more than 20% of the mesh size dx during one time step dt. In the Pipe Acoustics interface where a mixed formulation exists, with linear elements for the pressure and quadratic elements for the velocity, the condition might have to be tightened such that C < 0.2.
For an example where the CFL condition is used see Water Hammer: Application Library path Pipe_Flow_Module/Verification_Examples/water_hammer_verification.