Spice Import
SPICE Import
The circuit definition in COMSOL Multiphysics adheres to the SPICE format developed at the University of California, Berkeley (Ref. 1). SPICE netlists can be imported and the corresponding circuit nodes are generated in the COMSOL Multiphysics model. Most circuit simulators can export to this format or some version of it.
The Electrical Circuit interface supports the following device models:
Statements corresponding to multiple devices are resolved by parsing the associated .model statement. The physics interface also supports the .subckt statement, which is represented in COMSOL by a Subcircuit Definition node, and the .include statement. SPICE commands are interpreted case-insensitively. The statement defining each device is also interpreted as the Device name.
According to SPICE specification, the first line in the netlist file is assumed to be the title of the netlist and it is ignored by the parser.