Magnetic Shielding
The Magnetic Shielding node adds a boundary condition for magnetic shielding. By itself, this feature represents a geometrically thin layer with a relative permeability substantially higher than the surrounding material, that shields the magnetic field.
Subnodes are available from the context menu (right-click the parent node) or from the Physics toolbar, Attributes menu. Use the subnodes to provide an electrical model on top of the Shielding magnetic model. The available subnodes are Electric Shielding, Electric Insulation, and Contact Impedance subnodes. The possible combinations are:
Magnetic Shielding with no subnode: this represents a highly magnetic layer with no special electrical properties.
Magnetic Shielding and Electric Shielding: this combination represents a layer in which both the relative permeability μr and the electrical conductivity σ are much higher than in the adjacent domain. This layer shields the magnetic field and the current preferentially flows along it. The resulting surface current density is incorporated in the model as a source for the magnetic field.
Magnetic Shielding and Electric Insulation: this combination represents a nonconductive magnetic layer. The layer shields the magnetic field and there is no current flowing through it. The electric potential is discontinuous across the boundary.
Magnetic Shielding and Contact Impedance: this combination represents a resistive magnetic layer. The layer shields the magnetic field and the current flows preferably orthogonally to the layer. The electric potential is discontinuous across the boundary.
Magnetic Shielding
The default Relative permeability μr (dimensionless) uses values From material. For User defined select Isotropic, Diagonal, Symmetric, or Anisotropic and enter other values or expressions. For anisotropic material, the relative permeability is a tensor.
Enter a value or expression for the Surface thickness ds (SI unit: m).