Prescribed Rotational Velocity
The Prescribed Rotational Velocity node imposes a coordinate transformation to the selected domain that effectively rotates it a prescribed angle that grows linearly with time. It is used to model a rotating part at a constant rotational velocity. To model a part rotating at a non-constant angular velocity, use instead the Prescribed Rotation feature with a time-dependent angle.
Prescribed Rotational Velocity
Enter a constant value for the Constant angular velocity (revolutions per second) input rps (SI unit: Hz) and the Initial angle α0 (SI unit: rad).
For 2D components, enter the X and Y coordinates for the Rotation axis base point rax (SI unit: m) identifying the fixed point of the rotation. The axis of rotation is the z (out-of-plane) axis.
For 3D components, specify the rotation axis by entering the coordinates of the Rotation axis base point rax (SI unit: m) and the components of the Rotation axis urot (dimensionless).