Magnetic Flux Density
The Magnetic Flux Density node adds a boundary condition for the magnetic flux density. The following equation defines the normal component of the magnetic flux density using a magnetic flux vector B0:
Using this boundary condition specify the normal component of the magnetic flux density at the boundary.
Alternatively, specify an inward (or outward) flux density using the following equation:
Using this formulation, it is possible to specify the normal component of the magnetic flux density as a scalar.
Magnetic Flux Density
Select a Type of the boundary condition to use—Inward flux density (the default) or Magnetic Flux density:
For Inward flux density it defines the boundary condition according to Equation 5-2. Enter a scalar value or expression for the normal component of the Inward flux density Bn (SI unit: T). A positive value represents an inward flux.
For Magnetic flux density it defines the boundary condition according to Equation 5-1. Enter a value or expression for each component of the Magnetic flux density B0 (SI unit: T) in the corresponding fields.