Gauge Fixing for A-Field
The Gauge Fixing for A-Field node enforces the gauge A = 0 by adding an additional potential variable, ψ, and its associated conservation equation to the system. This is often necessary to get a unique and numerically stable solution to the equation solving for the magnetic vector potential A.
Domain Selection
From the Selection list, choose the domains to define the gauge-fixing potential ψ. In most cases, the feature should be applied to all domains where the magnetic vector potential A is solved for. By default, the selection is set to All domains, ensuring that the gauge fixing is applied to all the valid domains in the model.
Gauge Fixing for A-Field
The variable ψ is used to impose a condition on the derivatives of the magnetic vector potential, so its absolute value does not have particular significance; only its gradient enters the equations (the variable ψ acts more or less like a potential). The absolute value of the variable can be set by entering the Divergence condition variable scaling ψ 0 (SI unit: A/m). The default value is 1 A/m, which is appropriate for most models.
Advanced Settings
To display this section, click the Show button () and select Advanced Physics Options.
This section allows a more fine control on the boundary conditions for ψ applied by the Gauge Fixing feature. The domain equation for ψ only imposes a condition on the gradient, so it is important to constrain the absolute value of ψ to ensure a non-singular model. The Constant value on insulation boundaries check box (selected by default) imposes a constant value on the conductive boundaries in the model, such as Magnetic Insulation. Select the Method to enforce this condition: Constrain value (the default) or Constrain tangential gradient.
If there are no such boundaries, select the Constrain variable in at least one point to ensure that there is always a constraint set on the value of the divergence condition variable ψ.
If you apply Gauge Fixing across pair boundaries, the internal logic for constraining ψ in at least one point does not work. The problem is most likely to appear in gauge fixing for rotating machinery. Assume you have one gauge fixed Ampère's Law domain in the stator and one in the rotor, then one must use separate Gauge Fixing features for these as the geometry analysis for setting up point constraints on ψ does not work across pairs. It can also be handled by adding manual constraints on ψ.